Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University

Member in laboratory [2022]
<Professor> | Atsushi Sugeta | Profile of Faculty and Research Scholars |
<Specially-Appointed Professor> | Yukihiro Sugimoto | Profile of Faculty and Research Scholars |
<Professor> | Hiroyuki Akebono | Profile of Faculty and Research Scholars |
<Secretary> | Mariko Sakamoto |
Doctor | T.Abe | Study of crack growth behavior at the root of load carrying type fillet joints |
Doctor | Selvaraj Thomasprabhu |
Evaluation of fatigue life of steel friction stir welding joints under variable loading |
Doctor | Zhiyuan Wu | Evaluation of fatigue strength of adhesive joints using DCB (Double Cantilever Bending) fatigue test joints |
Doctor | C.Kawamura | Research on lightweight multi-material body design considering buckling and fracture behavior |
Doctor | T.Nakamaru | |
Master 2 | S.Kobayashi | Elucidation of microcrack growth mechanism of metallic materials using microscopic in-situ observation and crystal plasticity finite element analysis |
Master 2 | M.Hayashi | Examination of various factors that affect the fatigue characteristics of surface treated material |
Master 2 | Y.Kawahara | Elucidation of fatigue crack initiation mechanism of Ti-6Al-4V alloy |
Master 2 | I.Fujita | Elucidation of fatigue fracture mechanism of resistance spot welded joints |
Master 2 | M.Sakai | Elucidation of fatigue fracture mechanism of short fiber composite material using PP as a base material |
Master 2 | S.Ito | Elucidation of crack growth mechanism using crystal plastic finite element method |
Master 2 | K.Kitagawa | Evaluation of fatigue properties of dissimilar weld bond joints |
Master 2 | K.Usui | Fatigue strength evaluation of adhesive joints using laser patterning |
Master 2 | S.Mineoka | Fatigue strength evaluation of CFRP / Al weld bond joints |
Master 1 | T.Ando | Effect of pre-strain on fatigue limit of ferritic stainless steel |
Master 1 | T.Itadani | Fatigue strength evaluation of friction stir welding joints for steel |
Master 1 | Y.Ozaki | Elucidation of fatigue crack growth behavior of resistance spot welded joints |
Master 1 | Y.Nose | Evaluation of fatigue characteristics of aluminum / die-cast dissimilar joints |
Master 1 | H.Nomura | Elucidation of microscopic fatigue crack growth mechanism of pure Al |
Master 1 | N.Hashimoto | Study on mean stress effect on load interaction under variable loading |
Master 1 | T.Mizuno | Effect of strain ratio under strain controled test on fatigue properties of low alloy steel SQV2A |
Master 1 | R.Yotsudani | Elucidation of fatigue fracture mechanism of adhesive joints |
Undergraduate | ||
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Undergraduate | ||
Undergraduate | ||
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Undergraduate |