Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University

Projects in our laboratory
Our laboratory is conducting the following research.
Evaluation of fatigue characteristics of various joints
●Elucidation of the fracture mechanism of friction stir welding joints
of steel and evaluation of fatigue life
●Evaluation of fatigue properties of CFRP/Al alloy ,rolled Aluminum alloy/die-cast aluminum dissimilar joints
●Effect of laser joint shape on fatigue characteristics
●Elucidation of fatigue fracture mechanism of resistance spot welded joints
●Elucidation of crack behavior at the root of load carrying type fillet
●Elucidation of fatigue characteristics of adhesive joints and water deterioration mechanism
●Proposal of surface treatment for manufacturing adhesive joints with high
Examination of surface treatment, new materials, and various affected factors
●Examination of buckling and fracture behavior for lightweight multi-material body design
●Effects of environmental deterioration on the fatigue characteristics
of rubber materials
●Elucidation of fatigue fracture mechanism of fiber reinforced plastic FRP
●Fatigue and creep damage mechanism of platinum rhodium alloy
●Examination of various factors that affect the fatigue properties of surface
treatment materials
●Examination of mean stress effect on load interaction under variable loading
●Effect of pre-strain on fatigue limit of ferritic stainless steel for
●Effect of strain ratio on fatigue characteristics of low alloy steel for
pressure vessels
Examination of damage mechanism in the microscopic region
●Elucidation of microcrack growth mechanism of metallic materials using
crystal plasticity finite element analysis
●Fatigue crack initiation mechanism of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
●Microscopic elucidation of non-propagating fatigue crack behavior of ferritic