広島大学大学院 先進理工系科学研究科 English ver.
Laboratory of Strength & Fracture of Mechanical Materials

南澤健太,武末翔吾,南部紘一郎,中村裕紀,曙紘之,菊池将一,“ピーニングにより形成された表面性状が浸炭焼入れ鋼の回転曲げ疲労特性に及ぼす影響”,砥粒加工学会誌,Vol.66, No.3(2022-3), in-press(2022-3) |
Yuki Ogawa, Ichiro Ohara, Jinta Arakawa, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta,“Effects of Welding Defects on the Fatigue Properties of Spot Welded Automobile Steel Sheets and the Establishment of a Fatigue Life Evaluation Method”,Welding in the World,in-press(2021).. |
Lei He, Zhilei Wang, Yuki Ogawa, Hiroyuki Akebono, Atsushi Sugeta and Yoshiichirou Hayashi,“Machine-Learning-based Investigation into the Effect of Defect/Inclusion on Fatigue Behavior in Steels”,International Journal of Fatigue,in-press(2021).. |
Lei He, ZhiLei Wang, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta,“Machine learning-based predictions of fatigue life and fatiguelimit for steels”,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,Vol.90, No.10(2021), pp.9-19. |
Shoichi Kikuchi, Shiori Suzuki and Hiroyuki Akebono,“Microstructural Characterization and Wear Behavior of Sintered Compacts Fabricated from Plasma-Nitrided Commercially Pure Titanium Powder”,Materials Transactions,Vol.61, No.12(2020), pp.2284-2291. |
Shoichi Kikuchi, Akira Ueno and Hiroyuki Akebono, “Combined effects of low temperature nitriding and cold rolling on fatigue properties of commercially pure titanium”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.139,(2020), pp.105772. |
Akifumi Niwa, Yukihito Akita, Jinta Arakawa, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta,“Life prediction of oxide dispersion-strengthened platinum–rhodium alloy subjected to high-temperature bending fatigue under axial stress”,International Journal of Fatigue,Vol.140, (2020), pp.105808. |
Thomasprabhu Selvaraj, Shogo Ishida, Jinta Arakawa, Hiroyuki Akebono, Atsushi Sugeta, Yasuhiro Aoki and Hidetoshi Fujii, “Elucidation of fatigue characteristics and fracture mechanism of friction stir spot-welded tension–shear joint steels”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol.44, No.1(2021), pp.74-84. |
Jinta ARAKAWA, Yoshiichiro HAYASHI, Hiroyuki AKEBONO and Atsushi SUGETA,“Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Shot Peening on Stainless Cast Steel SCS6 Containing a Fatigue Crack”,Materials Transactions,Vol.61, No.8(2020), pp.1593-1599. |
Saiji Shimoe, Tzu-Yu Peng, Yuki Ogawa, Hiroyuki Akebono, Shogo Iwaguro, Atsushi Sugeta, “Finite-element analysis and optimization of the mechanical properties of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) clasps for removable partial dentures”, Journal of Prosthodontic Research, Vol.64, No.3(2020), pp.250-256. |
Yuki Ogawa, Fumiya Nakahara, Hiroyuki Akebono, Kojiro Tanaka and Atsushi Sugeta, “Effect of jig constraint state during welding process on fatigue properties of Al/CFRP dissimilar welds and fatigue life evaluation based on singular stress”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vo.43(2020), pp.2259-2269. |
菊池将一,南部紘一郎,中村裕紀,曙紘之,“ガス浸炭焼入れを施したSCM420H鋼の回転曲げ疲労特性に及ぼす軟質微粒子ピーニングの影響”,鉄と鋼,Vol.106, No.10(2020), pp.765-766. |
Lei He, Hiroyuki Akebono, Atsushi Sugeta and Yoshiichirou Hayashi, “Cumulative fatigue damage of stress below the fatigue limit in weldment steel under block loading”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol43, No.7(2020), pp.1419-1432. |
Akifumi Niwa, Yukihito Akita, Kandai Enomoto, Rintaro Aoyama, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta,“High temperature fatigue properties of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened platinum-10% rhodium alloy”,Procedia Structural Integrity,Vol.19, (2019), pp.106-112. |
Katsuki SHIKIMOTO, Shogo ISHIDA, Wataru JINNOUCHI, Yuki OGAWA, Hiroyuki AKEBONO and Atsushi SUGETA,“Effect of Laser Patterning Preprocessing on Fatigue Strength of Adhesive Bonded Joints Using Thin Steel Plate”,MaterialsTransactions,Vol.61, No.3(2020), pp.469-474. |
Jinta Arakawa, Yoshiichirou Hayashi, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta, “Effect of Shakedown on the Fatigue Limit of Ultrasonic Shot Peened Steel”,Advanced Surface Enhancement, Vol.1, (2020), pp.69-75. |
Shogo Takesue, Shoichi Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Akebono, Tatsuro Morita and Jun Komotori, “Characterization of surface layer formed by gas blow induction heating nitriding at different temperatures and its effect on the fatigue properties of titanium alloy”, Results in Materials, Vol.5,(2020). |
Akifumi Niwa, Yukihito Akita, Kandai Enomoto, Rintaro Aoyama, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta, “High-Temperature Bending Fatigue Properties of Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Platinum–Rhodium Alloy under High Axial Stress”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.132,(2020), pp.105385. |
Jinta Arakawa, Tatsuya Hanaki, Yoshiichirou Hayashi, Hiroyuki Akebono and Atsushi Sugeta, “Evaluating the fatigue limit of metals having surface compressive residual stress and exhibiting shakedown”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol.43, No.20(2019-7), pp.211-220. |
Lei He, H. Akebono and A.Sugeta, “Effect of high-amplitude loading on accumulated fatigue damage under variable-amplitude loading in 316 stainless steel”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.116, (2018), pp.388-395. |
S. Sasaoka, J. Arakawa, H. Akebono, A. Sugeta, Y. Shirai, E. Nakayama and Y. Kimura , “The Effects of Crystallographic Orientation on Fatigue Crack Initiation Behavior in Ti-6Al-4V”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.117, (2018), pp.371-383. |
Yuki Ogawa, Hiroyuki Akebono, Kojiro Tanaka and Atsushi Sugeta, “Effect of Welding Time on Fatigue Properties of Friction Stir Spot Welds of Al to Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Plastic“, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol.24, No.3, pp.235-242.(2018) |
S. Kikuchi, S. Iwamae, H. Akebono, J. Komotori and Y. Misaka, “Improvement of the electrochemical characteristics of medium carbon steel using atmospheric-controlled induction-eating fine particle peening”, Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol.354(2018), pp.76-82. |
Shogo Takesue, Shoichi Kikuchi, Hiroyuki Akebono, Yoshitaka Misaka and Jun Komotori, “Effect of pre-treatment with fine particle peening on surface properties and wear resistance of gas blow induction heating nitrided titanium alloy”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol.359 (2019) pp.476-484. |